Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Oilzilla" May Have Close Relative in Alaska

"Live" Oil Spill Cam

This is in now way well written, but I have to get my thoughts down now, before I get distracted. It has been a little over a month since the oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico and BP has yet to fix the problem. They have pointed fingers at nearly everyone but themselves. The problem lies with cut corners and people generally not really giving a shit about the well-being of others. The government had given out wavers which in turn allowed the now exploded rig to skip safety inspections and countless other things.
Now not only is BP in hot water(no pun intended) with the complete cluster fuck in the gulf, they have another problem. This one is in Alaska. That's right folks, BP has had yet ANOTHER oil spill! And get this; those fuckers were only fined half a million dollars!! That's pocket change to them! Are you fucking kidding me?! Two oil spills in two months (spill being used loosely), one of which is so out of control, it makes the mind spin. And all they get fined is half a million dollars. Am I the only one that sees something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with this?
Why don't they just shut the company down? We don't need them. They're doing the entire world way more harm then good. Shut the assholes down..
The least they could do is fine them way more than half a million.. How about Billions? Trillions even? Then maybe these money hungry cretins would actually follow the rules, after all they were put there for a reason.

I will continue researching this... more later.

Gulf Cluster Fuck

Alaska Spill

Other BP Oil Spills

Other Information Regarding This General Subject

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