Tuesday, May 4, 2010

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

I would like to apologize for the delay in updates. The past week has been rather busy and I hadn’t had the time to research and type up a page for this. I would also like to point out that whether you are a member of this website or not I have it set up so that you should be able to comment if you wish to.

If you have been watching the news, chances are you have heard about the New York City car bomb scare. Assuming you have, I would like to shed some light on the subject. First off, I would like to point out that if someone really wanted to blow up Time Square; they would NOT leave the car parked illegally, running, with the blinkers on, and a blinking red light on the inside of it (able to be seen by someone outside the car), Secondly, they would find a better bomb. M-88s, gasoline, and propane?! Come on. That’s bloody pathetic. Now, the news is saying that a Pakistani terrorist group has claimed responsibility. If “terrorists” were going to go through the trouble of trying to set up a car bomb and have it go off at a certain time, why would they use something that is not fool proof? And why would they admit to failure?
My point is, the story seems highly unlikely. Support for the United States government and their wars are quickly dwindling. So when in the need of support and backing to their cause, they fear monger. They create an enemy or a catastrophe for people to watch and then the government goes about their business with all attention diverted away from them. The fact that early reports said a white male walked away from the car apparently meant nothing being as they have now arrested a Pakistani. Figures. Nor is anyone mentioning the fact that actual terrorists that supposedly claimed responsibility are far more knowledgeable in bomb making techniques than who ever made this bomb. If someone wanted the bomb to go off, it would have.

It also seems a bit peculiar that right when this “bomb” is found is right around the time that Iran is once again trying to shine light on the fact that the United States and Israel are not in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Granted Israel has yet to sign the treaty. But admitting to that and the fact that Israel really has nukes would put the powers that be in a very tight situation. Trading with a country that is in possession of nuclear weapons, especially when the trading involves weapons and money, and has refused on countless occasions to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is illegal. Shining light on this matter could completely smash the United States government. The parties involved would also be charged with war crimes.
Now whether this man that has now been arrested was a government agent, someone tricked into this act or just another pissed off American citizen; something is wrong with this story we're being told.

M-88 firework

M-80 firework vs. homemade black powder firework

Link to articles related to the failed New York City car bomb










I would also like to call into question the integrity of a certain company. I have been a proud supporter of all products made by Western Digital; that is until one of their hard drives I had acquired broke and I found that there were no screws holding it together. Now the hard drive in question runs about $100 to $150. And the fact that it broke could be entirely my fault, being as I dropped it. But the fact that I only dropped it a few feet and that it landed on carpet calls in to question that maybe WD skimped on something else other than screws; decent plastic perhaps? I take incredibly good care of my things, especially electronics and for this thing to break so easily infuriates me. Needless to say, I will no longer be purchasing anymore WD products. Period. Maybe the next hard drive I buy will be made of metal; perhaps it will actually be made correctly.

Here's a link to another person also rather peeved about the quality of our products.

Go to you bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.

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