Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Disimformation Continues

The subject of today's much delayed post is the "mosque" that is being planned to be built in New York. First off I would like to point out that not only is this thing not even a mosque, it also is not being built where the twin towers were like everyone is saying. The building in question is at least a century old and is no longer structurally sound. There are people saying it is some sort of monument; this is being debated. I haven't done enough research yet to know what used to be there (haven't had the time). The plan is since the building is unstable, they're going to tear it down and build said "mosque". Problem with this is the "mosque" is actually a unity center. It will be a building for all religions to come worship and join together in fellowship. So its a building devoted to unity. What is wrong with that? Nothing.
A few thoughts popped into my head when I read this. The first being once again the media is subconsciously bashing Muslims, Arabs. etc. The second thought was why? Why is the media so hell bent on making this group of people look like animals?
I personally believe that because we're stuck in seemingly never ending wars over in the Middle East; one that is not favorably looked upon, the media in a stretch to heighten the acceptance of the wars, they must make the people we are fighting ( and the one's we aren't but kind of look like them) look bad. Subconsciously, the favor for the wars will be slightly stronger than those that against the war. Then again this will usually only work if you're one of the mindless drones still wondering about.
Start really paying attention to what is said in the news. How are they reporting on stories about the wars? How are they reporting on Israel's continuing siege on Gaza? Start watching and reading the news from other countries; such as the U.K. The truth will slowly start to reveal itself to you.

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