Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's filled with bugs, but it saves them money.

Congratulations, for you have some how managed to stumble upon this webpage. The point of this venture is to educate the public, encourage the questioning of authority, and the checking of sources and facts. Things have gotten out of hand and we the people need to take our country back.

I feel the need to shine some light upon the horrid state of the products being sold to us. We spend our hard earned money on products and expect them to work; whether those products are electronics, medicine, cleaning chemicals, toiletries, or anything else. The problem is ninety percent of the time, they don’t work. We are living in a world where everyone gets the products out as fast as they can, without a single thought towards the consumer. It is all about how much money the corporation can make and how fast they can make it. We have been lead to believe that because the company gives you a warranty on their product that means they have a good product. That is not the case; if the product fails it is not a good product. Granted, the warranty makes things a lot easier. With a warranty technically you do not need to go looking for a new product, one that actually works. You are freed from the frustration you get when you realize that there are few quality products out there. Don’t believe me? Here are just a few companies that put out inferior products.

-Monsanto ( (

-Dell (

-HP (

-McAfee (

-flu shot manufacturer CSL Limited (

-manufacturers of Alzheimer’s medications (

-Norton (as in Norton Anti-virus) (




-Any company that uses high fructose corn syrup in their products (

Why am I telling you this? Because every time you buy one of these products you’re voting. You’re voting on what you consider worthy, what you want to be sold. You are encouraging these companies to give you an inferior product. People no longer get angry. This is something you should be angry about. Make some noise. Demand perfection. Demand quality. If you don’t, you will continue to not get your moneys worth.

Think of it this way. Everyday the value of the dollar gets lower. And everyday you pay more for something that is in no way worth what you are paying for it. If you haven’t noticed, the economy is in decline. So why on earth are you spending your money on something that does not work? The more people demand quality, the more they will get it. If people do not want it, the companies are forced to give us what we want. If they don’t, we won’t buy their product. It’s as simple as that.

I would like to point out that I am new at this. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me.