Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello to the very few that read this very neglected blog. Sorry for the complete lack of updates. I feel rather bad for neglecting this so much but I have good reason (and it is not the lack of topics to write on). My boyfriend and I are expecting our first in June. Needless to say, prepping for an infant is a bit of a drain; not to mention how much energy the little one sucks from you while you're carrying them for nearly eight months.
Since my last post the United States of America has been almost as busy as I have been. They have entered yet another illegal war (but don't worry we're only there to help the poor bastards), they have blatantly ignored the complete disaster in Japan regarding their multiple melting down nuclear power plants (remember folks radiation is good for you) and the most recent killed an already dead man (Usama bin Laden). These are only a few idiocies perpetuated by the government, there are MANY more.
As I write this at 5.30AM on the eve of a work night I am realizing how horrid my timing is... I shall finish tomorrow after work. I'm tired.