Saturday, October 16, 2010


I would like to bring up a the Fort Hood shooting (I originally wanted to dedicate more that one post to this but I have yet to really have the time, even now I'm writing this in Math class between the jotting of notes). I recently found an article saying someone got video of it but was ordered to delete it.

Here's the link:

Here are some articles from the days following the shooting:



** With this article i would like to point out a few selections. What is in bold is what i would like to put some emphasis on.

#1: "Update | 4:37 p.m. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison told Fox 4 News in Texas that one shooter was in custody and “another is still at large.”
She also said she was told by authorities that there were as many as 30 wounded at “a processing center where soldiers are processed to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.”

“Our hearts go out,” she said. “These are soldiers who are getting ready to go out to Iraq or Afghanistan and their families were under stress already. This was just a terrible tragedy and we don’t even know the extent of it yet.”"

#2: "Update | 4:21 p.m. Speaking to CNN, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison said that the gunmen were wearing military uniforms."

#3: Update | 4:15 p.m. CNN reports that two military sources say that the second gunman at Fort Hood is “cornered.”"

#4: "Original Post | 4:07 p.m. Seven people have been killed and twelve wounded in a mass shooting at the Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, on Thursday, according to Lt. Col. Nathan Banks, an Army spokesman. Lt. Col. Nathan Banks told my colleague David Stout that the shootings started at about 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time and that the base has been locked down. He added that one person is in custody but there is believed to be at least one more gunman still at large."

#5: "The Associated Press reports that the Web site of the base in central Texas has posted an alert that says, “Effective immediately Fort Hood is closed.” The Web site, which became unavailable soon after the shootings were reported, said that units at the base have been ordered to account for all personnel.

The site says: “This is not a Drill. It is an Emergency Situation.”

The A.P. adds that several television stations in Texas have been reporting on the incident at the base, which is located halfway between Austin and Waco.

Patrick Tolbert of the local ABC affiliate KXXV reports:

Fort Hood officials say one person is in custody but are asking people to stay away from windows. We’ve learned an incident has taken place at the sports dome, now known as the soldier readiness area.

We will bring you more information on this incident as soon as it is available.

Any readers in the area with information, in the form of eye-witness accounts, photographs or video are encouraged to send it to us, either by writing to or posting in the comment thread below."

#6: "Update | 4:48 p.m. Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone, the base commander, is speaking to the media outside the base. He confirms that 12 people have been killed and 31 wounded. He also said that the shootings took place at a readiness facility, which is where soldiers go before deploying overseas. Gen. Cone said that the gunmen were Fort Hood soldiers and used handguns. Two soldiers have been detained as suspects in the shootings, in addition to the suspect who was killed.

Update | 4:39 p.m. CNN’s Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports that 12 people have been killed and up to 30 wounded. One of the dead is said to have been one of the gunmen."
** With this one seems to contradict itself.. but it was an update so I'll give them leeway.

#7: "Update | 5:08 p.m. Christopher Haug, a spokesman at Fort Hood says that the gunman who was killed had two handguns. He confirms that 12 people are dead, including the gunman and that 31 have been wounded. The base remains locked down."

I have one question... What happened to these two suspects that were taken into custody? In the last article they actually have updates but then out of no where the only suspect is Nidal Hasan.

I'll write more when I get home... class let out.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.

A short post before I have to go to work. While I was going through the top news stories I found this article a page or two in.

Reading this made me ill. First off take a guess who's paying for those books the Pentagon just destroyed. You and me. We had the unfortunate pleasure of buying ten thousand books and we didn't even get to see them.
I hope that the author releases the first edition online so the people that paid for the books can actually read it. Forget national security; the Pentagon, the Army and the Department of Defense, they're trying to cover their asses.

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.
Abraham Lincoln

I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.
Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us

Hello again. This post has been a long time coming. I haven't had the time required to swift through the news and pick a few stories I think are important because I started school again in August and I recently moved. I also have two jobs and no days off. I still intend on keeping this sight going so check back every once in a while for updates.

First on the list is this computer worm going after Iran. Here's the link to the article.;_ylt=Auuz853MnnQId3Ith8cW4Eis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNwZGk1cmliBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwOTI1L21sX2lyYW5fY3liZXJfYXR0YWNrcwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzgEcG9zAzUEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNpcmFuc251Y2xlYXI-

And now my thoughts..
First off, if this thing has hit the United States why weren't we told? Why is the news filled with stories on Lindsay Lohan instead of stories of a complex computer worm capable of infiltrating our industrial power plants? Who gives a shit if Miss Lohan is out of jail (this was the top U.S. story today on Yahoo news). Tell us the important stuff.
UPDATE: I found another article on this.
I am going to go out on a limb here and speculate that this hacker isn't in or has anything to do with Iraq.

On to the next article. I'm writing this in math class (which will be starting soon) so I have to keep this short and sweet. Apparently the FBI is now going to U.S. citizen's homes looking for terrorists.;_ylt=AqDMseCkSjXbFSaEbqwqatpvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJyazBvdTYyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwOTI1L3VzX2ZiaV9yYWlkX3RlcnJvcmlzbQRwb3MDMTYEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNmYmlzZXJ2ZXN0ZXI-

The first sentence contradicts itself completely. "Warrants suggest agents were looking for connections between local anti-war activists and terrorist groups in Colombia and the Middle East." ..seriously? The whole anti-war activist thing kind of puts a damper on the terrorist bit. It seems to me that this is a scare tactic. Simple as that. There is no reason for these people's homes to be searched like they were. They did nothing wrong.

This next article I only have one thing to say about it.;_ylt=AqgMpYEI66RstsU6kbWsWk9vaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTMwMWZqZHRvBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwOTI1L2FzX3Bha2lzdGFuX2JyYW5kaW5nX3VzX2FpZARwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA3Vzd2FudHNtb3JlYQ--

When you help someone, whether it be a single person or a country, you do it out the kindness of your heart. Not for recognition.

On to the next article!;_ylt=AvySJcCqclnxojQ6RfsW4itvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJ2ODczazhsBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwOTI1L2NiX2NhcmliYmVhbl91c19kZXBvcnRlZXMEcG9zAzE0BHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDY2FyaWJiZWFuY3Jp

.."criminal deportations".. O_o; um.. he was illegally in our country so we deported him. I don't know the process we, as a country are using to take these people back to their countries of origin, and I have sympathy for the family of the man that was killed, but the people affected seem to think everything would be fine if he wasn't deported. This man seems to be unstable and he would have killed anywhere. I am aware this sounds incredibly harsh, but their family member died and this killer was caught (again). This murder could force the U.S. and other countries it deports people to, to set up some sort of system for the transfer of criminals.

I have to end this now.. class is starting. I'll try to touch this up later. I apologize for the horrid writing, I'm running on little sleep and I am incredibly hungry.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Minestry of Truth

Upon further review of the article in the last post I noticed that all the problems the "mosque" has been encountering was not due to religious persecution. I think otherwise.
Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Building the ground zero mosque is not an issue of religious freedom, but of resisting an effort to insult the victims of 9/11 and to establish a beachhead for political Islam and Islamic supremacism in New York... ground zero is a war memorial, a burial ground. Respect it," said Pamela Geller, a conservative blogger, on her group's website, "Stop Islamicization of America."

Geller recently told CNN's Joy Behar that no one's telling the mosque's planners they can't build it, but "We're asking them not to."

"We feel it would be more appropriate maybe to build a center dedicated to expunging the Quranic texts of the violent ideology that inspired jihad, or perhaps a center to the victims of hundreds of millions of years of jihadi wars, land enslavements, cultural annihilations and mass slaughter," Geller said.

The project calls for a 13-story community center including a mosque, performing arts center, gym, swimming pool and other public spaces."

From this bit, I think it's a bit obvious all the fuss is because of the fact there will be a mosque. I would also like to advise Pamela Geller to actually research her topic before she types it and gets it in the news. I would also like to suggest she do some research on 9-11. The official story has some major holes in it. I suggest the film Loose Change.

The Disimformation Continues

The subject of today's much delayed post is the "mosque" that is being planned to be built in New York. First off I would like to point out that not only is this thing not even a mosque, it also is not being built where the twin towers were like everyone is saying. The building in question is at least a century old and is no longer structurally sound. There are people saying it is some sort of monument; this is being debated. I haven't done enough research yet to know what used to be there (haven't had the time). The plan is since the building is unstable, they're going to tear it down and build said "mosque". Problem with this is the "mosque" is actually a unity center. It will be a building for all religions to come worship and join together in fellowship. So its a building devoted to unity. What is wrong with that? Nothing.
A few thoughts popped into my head when I read this. The first being once again the media is subconsciously bashing Muslims, Arabs. etc. The second thought was why? Why is the media so hell bent on making this group of people look like animals?
I personally believe that because we're stuck in seemingly never ending wars over in the Middle East; one that is not favorably looked upon, the media in a stretch to heighten the acceptance of the wars, they must make the people we are fighting ( and the one's we aren't but kind of look like them) look bad. Subconsciously, the favor for the wars will be slightly stronger than those that against the war. Then again this will usually only work if you're one of the mindless drones still wondering about.
Start really paying attention to what is said in the news. How are they reporting on stories about the wars? How are they reporting on Israel's continuing siege on Gaza? Start watching and reading the news from other countries; such as the U.K. The truth will slowly start to reveal itself to you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This is still being written (with a severe lack of sleep) so bare with me..

Over the long weekend a group of humanitarian aid ships bound for Gaza were attacked in international waters by Israel. At least ten people were killed and dozens injured when Israel opened fire on the unarmed civilians. Israel's soldiers are claiming they acted in self defense, but the survivors are saying otherwise. Countries all over the world have condemned and expressed anger towards Israel. The United States however, has not.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Oilzilla" May Have Close Relative in Alaska

"Live" Oil Spill Cam

This is in now way well written, but I have to get my thoughts down now, before I get distracted. It has been a little over a month since the oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico and BP has yet to fix the problem. They have pointed fingers at nearly everyone but themselves. The problem lies with cut corners and people generally not really giving a shit about the well-being of others. The government had given out wavers which in turn allowed the now exploded rig to skip safety inspections and countless other things.
Now not only is BP in hot water(no pun intended) with the complete cluster fuck in the gulf, they have another problem. This one is in Alaska. That's right folks, BP has had yet ANOTHER oil spill! And get this; those fuckers were only fined half a million dollars!! That's pocket change to them! Are you fucking kidding me?! Two oil spills in two months (spill being used loosely), one of which is so out of control, it makes the mind spin. And all they get fined is half a million dollars. Am I the only one that sees something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with this?
Why don't they just shut the company down? We don't need them. They're doing the entire world way more harm then good. Shut the assholes down..
The least they could do is fine them way more than half a million.. How about Billions? Trillions even? Then maybe these money hungry cretins would actually follow the rules, after all they were put there for a reason.

I will continue researching this... more later.

Gulf Cluster Fuck

Alaska Spill

Other BP Oil Spills

Other Information Regarding This General Subject

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Short Note

I just wanted to write a short message saying that I am currently working on another page for this site.. Hopefully, it will be up soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

I would like to apologize for the delay in updates. The past week has been rather busy and I hadn’t had the time to research and type up a page for this. I would also like to point out that whether you are a member of this website or not I have it set up so that you should be able to comment if you wish to.

If you have been watching the news, chances are you have heard about the New York City car bomb scare. Assuming you have, I would like to shed some light on the subject. First off, I would like to point out that if someone really wanted to blow up Time Square; they would NOT leave the car parked illegally, running, with the blinkers on, and a blinking red light on the inside of it (able to be seen by someone outside the car), Secondly, they would find a better bomb. M-88s, gasoline, and propane?! Come on. That’s bloody pathetic. Now, the news is saying that a Pakistani terrorist group has claimed responsibility. If “terrorists” were going to go through the trouble of trying to set up a car bomb and have it go off at a certain time, why would they use something that is not fool proof? And why would they admit to failure?
My point is, the story seems highly unlikely. Support for the United States government and their wars are quickly dwindling. So when in the need of support and backing to their cause, they fear monger. They create an enemy or a catastrophe for people to watch and then the government goes about their business with all attention diverted away from them. The fact that early reports said a white male walked away from the car apparently meant nothing being as they have now arrested a Pakistani. Figures. Nor is anyone mentioning the fact that actual terrorists that supposedly claimed responsibility are far more knowledgeable in bomb making techniques than who ever made this bomb. If someone wanted the bomb to go off, it would have.

It also seems a bit peculiar that right when this “bomb” is found is right around the time that Iran is once again trying to shine light on the fact that the United States and Israel are not in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Granted Israel has yet to sign the treaty. But admitting to that and the fact that Israel really has nukes would put the powers that be in a very tight situation. Trading with a country that is in possession of nuclear weapons, especially when the trading involves weapons and money, and has refused on countless occasions to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is illegal. Shining light on this matter could completely smash the United States government. The parties involved would also be charged with war crimes.
Now whether this man that has now been arrested was a government agent, someone tricked into this act or just another pissed off American citizen; something is wrong with this story we're being told.

M-88 firework

M-80 firework vs. homemade black powder firework

Link to articles related to the failed New York City car bomb,0,4953143.story,0,3590707.story,0,3684998.story,0,3298733.story

I would also like to call into question the integrity of a certain company. I have been a proud supporter of all products made by Western Digital; that is until one of their hard drives I had acquired broke and I found that there were no screws holding it together. Now the hard drive in question runs about $100 to $150. And the fact that it broke could be entirely my fault, being as I dropped it. But the fact that I only dropped it a few feet and that it landed on carpet calls in to question that maybe WD skimped on something else other than screws; decent plastic perhaps? I take incredibly good care of my things, especially electronics and for this thing to break so easily infuriates me. Needless to say, I will no longer be purchasing anymore WD products. Period. Maybe the next hard drive I buy will be made of metal; perhaps it will actually be made correctly.

Here's a link to another person also rather peeved about the quality of our products.

Go to you bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's filled with bugs, but it saves them money.

Congratulations, for you have some how managed to stumble upon this webpage. The point of this venture is to educate the public, encourage the questioning of authority, and the checking of sources and facts. Things have gotten out of hand and we the people need to take our country back.

I feel the need to shine some light upon the horrid state of the products being sold to us. We spend our hard earned money on products and expect them to work; whether those products are electronics, medicine, cleaning chemicals, toiletries, or anything else. The problem is ninety percent of the time, they don’t work. We are living in a world where everyone gets the products out as fast as they can, without a single thought towards the consumer. It is all about how much money the corporation can make and how fast they can make it. We have been lead to believe that because the company gives you a warranty on their product that means they have a good product. That is not the case; if the product fails it is not a good product. Granted, the warranty makes things a lot easier. With a warranty technically you do not need to go looking for a new product, one that actually works. You are freed from the frustration you get when you realize that there are few quality products out there. Don’t believe me? Here are just a few companies that put out inferior products.

-Monsanto ( (

-Dell (

-HP (

-McAfee (

-flu shot manufacturer CSL Limited (

-manufacturers of Alzheimer’s medications (

-Norton (as in Norton Anti-virus) (




-Any company that uses high fructose corn syrup in their products (

Why am I telling you this? Because every time you buy one of these products you’re voting. You’re voting on what you consider worthy, what you want to be sold. You are encouraging these companies to give you an inferior product. People no longer get angry. This is something you should be angry about. Make some noise. Demand perfection. Demand quality. If you don’t, you will continue to not get your moneys worth.

Think of it this way. Everyday the value of the dollar gets lower. And everyday you pay more for something that is in no way worth what you are paying for it. If you haven’t noticed, the economy is in decline. So why on earth are you spending your money on something that does not work? The more people demand quality, the more they will get it. If people do not want it, the companies are forced to give us what we want. If they don’t, we won’t buy their product. It’s as simple as that.

I would like to point out that I am new at this. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me.